Tuesday, July 29, 2014

One Worn Out Pup!

     Emma and I woke up at 6:30 a.m this morning after a good nights sleep of a little over five and a half hours. I'm really starting to enjoy this growing process because it seems like I get more sleep the more she grows, which is awesome. After a little nap after the bottle, I commenced my daily routine of coffee mixed with some Boy Meets World re-runs. I tell ya, catching up on all of these shows I used to watch as a kid brings back so many memories, which is another enjoyable part about having my job.
Today was day two of this 30 day challenge and let me tell you, it's starting to feel good/sore. After I completed my challenge, it was Emma's turn now. We did three sets of ten semi sit ups from a seated position, to work more on her neck strength to help build those muscles. It must be fun for her because I make so many funny faces and crazy noises that she smiles the entire time we are doing these exercises. We really lucked out because she is such a happy-go-lucky baby for the most part until she gets "hangry" then the mood shifts. But lets face it, if I get super hungry or pee all over myself, I get kind of pissed too (pun intended). I feel like I could be having an OK day but as soon as I see that smile on her face, my whole world changes & I'm instantly just as happy as her. I am thankful that babies don't retain too much of a memory because if they did, she would probably be miserable. The kind of beginning she had was a rough start for her, but if you spend five minutes with this kid you would have no idea she had ever been through a crazy experience like the NICU.
      After finishing her 11 a.m bottle with her vitamins in it, we started getting ready for another trek around town. This time we had no sort of itinerary and didn't have to be anywhere at any point so we were going to walk until we felt like it. There were chores around the house that could have been done, but I felt like if we stayed around the house then they wouldn't have gotten done anyway because of her 15 minute cat naps that she is famous for. So we loaded up her stroller with her oxygen tank and apnea monitor and decided to take the dog along with us. This was brave of me because anytime we have the dog and the stroller, it makes it much more interesting in getting around anywhere, not to mention an extra body to keep track of. For the most part Chloe did alright, until about half-way through our walk when she decided she had too much and laid down in the grass and didn't budge. She was telling me that she had enough and was going on strike due to extreme work conditions. After about ten minutes of rest we pushed on until we hit the third mile of our journey. Emma kept quiet and slept until it was time to eat. Luckily I brought a bottle along with me just in case something like this happened. We pulled over on the side of the trail, found a nice bench to sit on and changed her diaper before starting her snack time. Once burping her was finished, we were on our way back on the trail headed due West. After a little over two and a half miles we decided to turn back and head home because it was going to be that time where my lady would get off of work soon.
       Tonight was a special night because Emma bug will be spending some time over at Nan Nan and Pop Pops house. We were invited by some friends to grab some burgers and beers at a dive bar down the street from us and hang out on the restaurant's patio area. It was such an beautiful day out today and the evening was no different. Any chance we get to go out and feel "normal" again is something we try to do whenever we can. I wondered what Emma was doing and was anxious to see her again. We aren't worried at all while she is over at their house because they are the most loving, attentive grandparents ever, but I enjoy her company so much that I am excited to get back to her each time I leave. Dear Emma, how can you have me so tightly wrapped around your finger already?

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